New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams



Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum will provide fun and exciting opportunities that will stimulate children’s imagination. This will include opportunities for problem solving, developing self-esteem and exploring and developing the children’s own interests. By encouraging collaborative learning, we will ensure that children are both self-motivated, and challenged by others.

Our curriculum will allow children the freedom to take risks, to know that failure is a part of their learning journey, and that their mistakes can be utilized to achieve success. Children will be given the skills to be independent learners who can reflect on their learning, and be able to improve upon it. Our curriculum will teach children to do this by using the skills of critical thinking and using tools of analysis and reasoning.

Through an engaging curriculum with hooks into learning, linked with the children’s own interests, children will not be ‘spoon-fed’, but will instead take ownership of it. They will care about their learning and will be proud of every end product.

The world we live in is ever changing and our curriculum will allow children to grow to be adaptable, with transferrable skills that will equip them to thrive.  Through our curriculum, children will increase their awareness of our Mosborough values, and the values of others. 

How our curriculum is organised

Our Curriculum has been designed to suit the needs of the community we serve. It is reviewed each year by the staff delivering it based upon feedback from our children and parents.

We use the National Curriculum 2014 and both the statutory and non-statutory guidance as our starting point. However, from there we use a range of stimuli to further shape our thinking. We ensure that inspiration for our plans comes from the community and the desire to enable our children to develop a broad global view of the world. 

We ensure that many elements of our curriculum link to wellbeing and the rights of children. This may be through our Philosophy sessions, the work we do around RSHE or general discussions.

Our curriculum model  

Our curriculum is designed around the three terms. In each term there is a main driver, which provides the starting point for an enquiry.


Planning follows the model outlined below. Each term begins with a question. The children then spend the term trying to find the answer to this big question. Along the way several smaller subsidiary questions will be explored that help to shape the children’s thinking.


Medium term planning is created using the long term planning objectives and then broken down into smaller ‘chunks’ to enable the children to meet the expectations. To support teachers, each subject has its own skills progression documents. These have been written by the subject leader, with the exception of RSHE, RE and Computing. 

How is this explained to parents?

Every term the new topic is shared with parents in two ways.

  1. Curriculum Maps
  2. Knowledge Organisers


Curriculum Maps

These provide parents with an overview of the learning being covered over the half term or term by their children.


Knowledge Organisers

These documents are designed to support the learning being covered. They provide a summary of key facts and essential knowledge. Often they include chronology, key terms and weblinks to enable further research. The aim is that the children use this as a reference point through the learning sequence. It enables parents to support the children with some background reading, should they wish.

What if I would like to know more about the curriculum?
Please contact the school and ask to speak to Mrs Smales.