The school’s name, postal address and telephone number, plus a contact name to whom enquiries should be addressed.
A statement of the school's ethos and values.
The schools admission arrangements and information on how to access this information on the local authority's website.
Information on where to access the school's most recent Ofsted report and the school performance tables as published on the DfE's website.
The school's most recent KS2 results.
The following information about the school curriculum:
- For each academic year, the content of the curriculum followed for each subject and guidance on how to find out more about the curriculum.
- For KS1, the names of any phonics or reading schemes in operation.
The school's policy on behaviour.
The amount of the school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year plus the following information:
- Details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent.
- Details of how the previous academic year’s allocation was spent.
- The effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils for whom the funding was allocated.
The School Offer (SEN Information Report) and the SEN policy, including the date of its annual review.
The school's charging and remission policy.
The school's complaints procedure.
Details about how we spend our PE & Sport Premium and the outcomes we achieve.
The Governors register of interest.
The Governors attendance at meetings.
Details about the members of our governing body.
The school's equality policy and our annual report against these objectives.
The school's accessibility plan.
A full copy of our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy
A full copy of our Data Protection Policy
If you require any documents in an alternative format or language, please contact the school office and we will try to accommodate all requests.
There is nobody employed at the school earning £100,000 or more!
If you would like to know about how the school performs when benchmarked against national others, please follow this link.
We believe in working in partnership with our parents. as part of this process there will be occasions when you may need to come into school and inform us of a concern you may have. You are very welcome to come into school and make the teacher or office staff aware. There may be times when you require a longer more formal meeting. Our advice would be to make an appointment to see the class teacher, in the first instance.
In the vast majority of cases most issues are resolved by talking to the class teacher. If, following this meeting you do not believe your concern has been fully addressed, please make an appointment to see the Headteacher by telephoning the School Manager, Mrs Claire Baker, on 0114 2486211. During this meeting they can make you aware of the process you can adopt should you wish to take the matter further.
Please see below links to documents -
- School Complaints Procedures (Advice) Parents and Carers
- DfE Guidance - Best Practice Advice for School Complaints Procedures 2019
- Model Complaints Procedure and Guidance for Schools
- Policy for Dealing with Unreasonably Persistent, Harassing, Vexatious, Unreasonable or Abusive Complaints
We welcome any feedback at all times and would always encourage you to drop in and tell us how you think we are doing and suggest ways we can improve.
The funding that is allocated is in addition to the curriculum funding for PE and sport from the main school budget and aims to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of port in primary schools.
Schools are encouraged to use this funding in a multitude of ways
- Hire qualified sports coaches to work alongside class teachers
- Provide existing staff with teaching resources to assist them to teach PE and sport more effectively
- Introduce new sports or activities
- Support and involve the least active children through a range of activities
- Run sports competitions and activities with other schools
At Mosborough Primary School, we have a PE Development Plan in order to continue to improve provision and to raise the achievement of all pupils in PE and Sport. Our key objectives are to:
- Improve the quality and range of PE
- Increase involvement and participation in local competitive tournaments and sports festivals and to evidence the impact these experiences have on pupils
- Raise the profile of sport and encourage all children to participate
- Continue to improve the quality of premises to ensure PE can be taught in a safe environment
- Ensure that PE is adequately resourced
In 2023-2024, school was allocated £19,568. Details of how the school allocated this funding and evidence of the impact throughout the year is set out in our PE and Sport Premium Grant Funding Report, which is available here.
The school has written a plan for the current academic year which can be found here. Details of how we allocated this funding and evidence of the impact it made will be published in our PE and Sport Premium Report in July each year.
Schools are expected to evaluate their use of the PE & Sport Premium against the following five key indicators:
- Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sport.
The impact of the PE and Sport Premium at Mosborough Primary School is cross referenced to these five key indicators.
Mosborough Primary School is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve the highest academic standards and that any disadvantage is addressed as early, quickly and effectively as possible. The school has enjoyed huge success in this area and analysis of our attainment data shows there has been no correlation between the achievements of pupils per se and in particular pupils awarded Pupil Premium.
While we receive Pupil Premium funding in line with the financial year (April to April), we measure impact from September to September. Our Pupil Premium strategy is a three year plan which is reviewed annually.
Our Pupil Premium lead is Mrs Lizzie Dean.
Outcomes for Pupils in Receipt of the Pupil Premium
At Mosborough Primary School, all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, make good progress as they move through the school. Our disadvantaged pupils out-perform non-disadvantaged pupils nationally by the end of their time at Mosborough Primary School.
Analysis conducted by the school based on Analyse School Performance, Local Authority data, and the schools’ own data shows a familiar pattern of achievement by disadvantaged pupils. Detailed outcomes for disadvantaged pupils can be found in our Outcomes for Pupils in Receipt of the Pupil Premium report
The Governing Board and staff are committed to providing a safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral developments of pupils. All reasonable measures are taken to ensure that the risks of harm to pupils’ welfare are minimised.
Our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy are available using the links on the right.
Commercial Lettings
Our premises are not currently let to any organisation on a commercial basis as the school operates under a PFI initiative.
Wrap Around Care
The school is used for extended, enrichment activities which are run exclusively for the benefit of Mosborough pupils. There is a charge for pupils who attend Breakfast Club and After School Club. Please see the Charging and Remissions Policy link on the right hand side for more information.
Educational Visits
When classes venture out on educational visits, the school may have to pay an admission fee and/or transport costs. For many visits, depending on location, coaches are hired and this hire plus any admission fees are equitably divided amongst the number of pupils who are in attendance. Parents and carers then are invited to make voluntary contributions to cover costs. The latter may be waived at the discretion the school’s senior leadership team.
Residential School Visits
We are proud to offer a range of residential visits for our pupils. Residential visits are costed in the same was as Educational Visits, with any hire and admission fees plus accomodation fees equitably divided amonst the number of pupils attending the residential visit. The school offer payment plans to divide the total cost into more affordable installments. Details of these are shared with parents at initial residential visit planning meetings.
For our full Charging and Remissions Policy, please click on the link in the right hand column.
Links to key documents:
Pupil Policies
Administering Medicines Policy
Online Safeguarding and Acceptable Use Policy
Non Pupil Policies
(Public Sector) Equality Information and Objectives
Finance Policies
GDPR Policies
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme